Friday, June 13, 2008

Sex and the City

Just saw Sex and the City with my good friend, Susan. Makes me really miss my old group of 4 friends.

Something that had never happened to me before happened tonight. As I was giving the theater cashier my money, she said, "We have a senior discount for people 55 and older." I was so caught off guard that I said, "Oh thanks, I'll remember that in a few years." I kept thinking about this throughout the movie though as I watched all the glamour and glitz. I know I don't look anything like those girls!!! but I just had my hair done this week and didn't think I looked that bad!!! The other part of me though wanted to revel in the fact that I was close to reaching the age where I could get a discount!!

1 comment:

Dreams and Designs said...

I loved this morvie! Don't worry, the cashier was probably a high school kid and anyone over the age of 25 is simply "old" in their eyes! :)